Mastering Your LinkedIn Skills Section

A Strategic Guide to Enhancing Your LinkedIn Profile

This is one of those LinkedIn things that is often under-rated by users and gets very little attention. But with just a little effort your listed skills reach out across your LinkedIn Profile in ways that you may not be aware of.

Fox Tucker

In the digital arena of professional networking, your LinkedIn profile is your virtual handshake. The Skills section, in particular, is more than just a list—it’s a dynamic billboard showcasing your professional expertise to the world. But how do you ensure it’s working for you and not just a static component of your profile?

Let’s dive into the art and strategy of setting up your LinkedIn Skills section effectively.

Identify Your Core Competencies – ‘Pinpointing Your Expertise’

Begin by identifying your core skills. These should be a mix of hard and soft skills relevant to your industry and role. Job descriptions, LinkedIn peer profiles, and industry requirements are a really great guide to ensuring you’re on track.

Soft Skills include:

  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Creativity
  • Time Management
  • Adaptability
  • Problem-Solving
  • Work Ethic

Prioritize for Impact – ‘Ordering Your Skills Wisely’

LinkedIn allows you to pin three skills to the top of your list—these should be your strongest and most important skills. Choose those that you want to be endorsed for most, as they’ll be the first seen by visitors to your profile. Visitors have to tap through to see the full list.

The job market and relevant skills are always evolving. Regularly update your skills to reflect current trends and remove outdated ones. This signals to potential employers and connections that you’re on the cutting edge of your field. Reorder them occasionally so that you get a wider of endorsements.

Seek Skills Endorsements – ‘Leveraging Your Network’

Skills Endorsements from peers validate your expertise. Don’t be shy to ask colleagues for endorsements, and offer to reciprocate. A profile with skill endorsements often signifies credibility and expertise.

Integrate with Your Experience – ‘Telling a Cohesive Story’

Ensure your skills align with your professional experience and the story you’re telling through your profile. Discrepancies can lead to confusion and reduce your chances of being discovered by the right recruiters.

If you’re a LinkedIn old-timer you may not be aware that your skills can now be associated with specific positions in your work experience. Go have a look. It’s another great reason to keep on top of your skills section.


Mastering the Skills section of your LinkedIn profile can significantly impact your professional branding and discoverability. By strategically identifying, prioritizing, and updating your skills, you can position yourself as a top candidate and a leader in your field. Embrace these practices to unlock the full potential of your LinkedIn presence.

Fox Tucker is Digital Marketing Director for an International Media Publishing Company where he leads 50+ colleagues as a LinkedIn marketing specialist that loves to help people and organizations thrive on LinkedIn.

Fox also provides C-level Executives and Organizations with LinkedIn Consultancy Services at $60 per hour. Book a Discovery Call.