Maintaining and Updating your Employee LinkedIn Profiles

Maintaining and Updating Employee LinkedIn Profiles

Creating an engaging LinkedIn profile is just the beginning. To maximize the benefits of LinkedIn, it’s essential to keep profiles updated and maintain an active presence. This ensures that profiles remain relevant, reflect current achievements, and continue to attract opportunities. Here’s how to maintain and update LinkedIn profiles effectively.

Regular Profile Reviews

  1. Scheduled Updates:
    • Encourage employees to review and update their profiles at least once a quarter. Regular updates ensure that new skills, projects, and achievements are reflected promptly.
    • Use calendar reminders or company-wide initiatives to prompt employees to update their profiles regularly.
  2. Current Roles and Responsibilities:
    • Ensure that job titles, descriptions, and responsibilities are up-to-date. Changes in role or promotions should be reflected as soon as they occur.
    • Highlight recent projects, accomplishments, and any new responsibilities taken on since the last update.
  3. Updating Skills and Endorsements:
    • Add new skills and seek endorsements for them. Remove outdated or irrelevant skills to keep the profile focused.
    • Encourage employees to endorse their colleagues’ skills, fostering a culture of mutual support and recognition.

  1. Following LinkedIn Updates:
    • Stay informed about new LinkedIn features and updates. Encourage employees to explore and utilize these new tools to enhance their profiles.
    • Subscribe to LinkedIn’s blog or join relevant LinkedIn groups to receive updates and best practices.
  2. Learning from Industry Leaders:
    • Follow and engage with industry leaders and influencers to stay updated on the latest trends and insights. This can also inspire new content ideas and networking opportunities.
    • Share insights and trends learned from these leaders with your network to demonstrate thought leadership and engagement.

Engagement and Interaction

  1. Active Participation:
    • Encourage employees to be active on LinkedIn by liking, commenting, and sharing posts. Regular engagement increases visibility and strengthens their professional network.
    • Set a goal for daily or weekly interactions to ensure consistent activity.
  2. Posting Original Content:
    • Employees should regularly share updates, articles, and insights. This keeps their profiles active and positions them as thought leaders.
    • Use a content calendar to plan and schedule posts, ensuring a steady stream of engaging content.
  3. Joining and Participating in Groups:
    • Join LinkedIn groups relevant to the employee’s industry or interests. Active participation in these groups can provide valuable networking opportunities and industry insights.
    • Contribute to discussions, share relevant content, and engage with group members to build a reputation as an industry expert.

Long-term LinkedIn Strategy

  1. Setting Goals:
    • Encourage employees to set personal LinkedIn goals, such as increasing their network size, gaining endorsements, or publishing a certain number of articles.
    • Review and adjust these goals periodically based on progress and changing professional aspirations.
  2. Tracking Metrics:
    • Use LinkedIn analytics to track profile views, post engagements, and connection growth. Regularly reviewing these metrics can help employees understand what’s working and where improvements are needed.
    • Share insights from these metrics with employees to help them refine their LinkedIn strategies.
  3. Continuous Learning and Development:
    • Encourage ongoing professional development through LinkedIn Learning and other resources. Regularly updating skills and knowledge ensures that profiles remain relevant and competitive.
    • Create a culture of learning within the company by sharing recommended courses and learning resources.

Leveraging Employee Advocacy

  1. Empowering Employees:
    • Provide employees with content and resources to share on LinkedIn. This can include company updates, industry news, or thought leadership articles.
    • Encourage employees to share their own experiences and successes, showcasing their contributions to the company.
  2. Recognizing and Rewarding Engagement:
    • Recognize and reward employees who are active and effective on LinkedIn. This can be done through shout-outs in company meetings, awards, or other incentives.
    • Share success stories of how LinkedIn engagement has led to professional opportunities or business growth.


By maintaining and regularly updating their LinkedIn profiles, employees can ensure they remain current, engaging, and effective in showcasing their professional brand. This ongoing effort not only benefits the individual but also enhances the overall presence and reputation of the company on LinkedIn.

In our next article, we will delve into additional strategies for leveraging LinkedIn for recruitment and highlighting common mistakes to avoid. Stay tuned!

Fox Tucker is Digital Marketing Director for an International Media Publishing Company where he leads 50+ colleagues as a LinkedIn marketing specialist that loves to help people and organizations thrive on LinkedIn.

Fox also provides C-level Executives and Organizations with LinkedIn Consultancy Services at $60 per hour. Book a Discovery Call.