Getting the Basics of your Employees’ LinkedIn Profiles Right

Getting the Basics of the Employee LinkedIn Profile Right

Creating a compelling LinkedIn profile for your employees is crucial for both their individual success and the company’s overall branding. A well-crafted profile can open doors to new opportunities, establish credibility, and strengthen professional networks. Here’s how to ensure the basics of an employee LinkedIn profile are done right.

Professional Photos

  1. High-Quality Headshots:
    • Invest in professional headshots for your employees. A clear, high-resolution photo with a friendly, approachable expression can make a significant difference.
    • The background should be neutral and not distracting. The focus should be on the employee’s face.
  2. Consistency Across Profiles:
    • Ensure all employees’ photos align with the company’s branding. This doesn’t mean they all need to look identical, but there should be a level of professionalism and quality that is consistent.

Crafting Effective Headlines

  1. Clear and Concise:
    • The headline should clearly state the employee’s role within the company. For example, “Senior Marketing Manager at XYZ Corporation.”
    • Avoid generic titles like “Marketing Specialist” without the company name. Adding the company name helps in building brand recognition.
  2. Keyword-Rich:
    • Incorporate relevant keywords that potential clients or recruiters might use to find someone in that role. This improves searchability.

Summaries That Stand Out

  1. Engaging and Personal:
    • The summary should be more than a list of job duties. It should tell a story about the employee’s career journey, their passions, and what they bring to the company.
    • Encourage employees to inject some personality and highlight their unique skills and experiences.
  2. Reflecting Company Values:
    • Align the summary with the company’s mission and values. For example, if innovation is a core value, the summary should highlight how the employee contributes to innovative projects.
  3. Call to Action:
    • End with a call to action, such as inviting people to connect or reach out for collaboration opportunities.

Detailed Experience Sections

  1. Specific and Quantifiable:
    • Encourage employees to detail their roles with specific accomplishments and quantifiable results. For example, “Increased sales by 20% through targeted marketing campaigns.”
    • Highlight key projects, responsibilities, and any leadership roles.
  2. Consistency and Clarity:
    • Ensure the descriptions are clear and free of jargon. Use bullet points for easy readability.

Skills and Endorsements

  1. Relevant Skills:
    • List skills that are relevant to the employee’s current role and industry. This makes their profile more searchable and credible.
    • Regularly update the skills to reflect new competencies.
  2. Endorsements from Colleagues:
    • Encourage employees to endorse each other’s skills. This adds credibility to the listed skills.
  3. Prioritize Key Skills:
    • Make sure the top three skills are the most relevant and impressive. These are the skills that will be most prominently displayed on the profile.

Building a Strong Network

  1. Connecting Strategically:
    • Encourage employees to connect with industry professionals, colleagues, clients, and alumni. A strong network can provide support, opportunities, and endorsements.
    • Personalize connection requests to increase the likelihood of acceptance.
  2. Engaging with Content:
    • Employees should actively engage with content on LinkedIn by liking, commenting, and sharing posts. This increases their visibility and establishes them as active participants in their field.


By focusing on these fundamental elements, you can help your employees create LinkedIn profiles that not only represent them well but also enhance the company’s overall brand. A strong employee profile can open doors for professional growth, networking, and new business opportunities.

In our next article, we’ll explore how to go the extra mile for employees by equipping them with premium LinkedIn tools and training.

Fox Tucker is Digital Marketing Director for an International Media Publishing Company where he leads 50+ colleagues as a LinkedIn marketing specialist that loves to help people and organizations thrive on LinkedIn.

Fox also provides C-level Executives and Organizations with LinkedIn Consultancy Services at $60 per hour. Book a Discovery Call.