Consider Equipping Employees with Premium LinkedIn Tools

Advanced Tips for Creating Engaging Employee LinkedIn Profiles

Investing in your employees’ professional development on LinkedIn can yield significant returns for both the individual and the company. By providing them with premium tools and training, you not only enhance their personal brand but also strengthen your company’s presence on LinkedIn. Here’s how to go the extra mile for your employees.

Benefits of LinkedIn Premium

  1. InMail Messaging:
    • LinkedIn Premium allows users to send direct messages to people outside their network. This feature can be invaluable for networking, business development, and recruitment.
  2. Profile Views:
    • Premium members can see who has viewed their profile, offering insights into who is interested in their skills and expertise. This can help employees tailor their outreach and networking efforts.
  3. Advanced Search Filters:
    • The advanced search filters in LinkedIn Premium make it easier to find potential connections, clients, and job opportunities. Employees can narrow down searches based on specific criteria relevant to their industry and role.
  4. Learning Opportunities:
    • LinkedIn Learning is a powerful tool that comes with Premium. Employees can access a vast library of courses on various topics, from technical skills to leadership and management.

Explore LinkedIn Premium

Training and Development

  1. Organizing LinkedIn Training Sessions:
    • Host regular workshops or training sessions to educate employees on the best practices for using LinkedIn. Cover topics like optimizing profiles, effective networking strategies, and content creation.
    • Invite LinkedIn experts or successful users within your network to share their insights and experiences.
  2. Providing Resources and Guides:
    • Develop and distribute comprehensive guides on using LinkedIn effectively. Include tips on profile optimization, networking, and leveraging LinkedIn features.
    • Make use of LinkedIn’s own resources and learning materials to keep the training sessions relevant and up-to-date.
  3. One-on-One Coaching:
    • Offer personalized coaching sessions to help employees refine their profiles and develop a LinkedIn strategy that aligns with their career goals. This individualized attention can make a significant difference in their LinkedIn success.

Content Creation and Sharing

  1. Encouraging Article Writing:
    • Motivate employees to write and publish articles on LinkedIn. These articles can demonstrate their expertise, share industry insights, and highlight company values and achievements.
    • Provide guidance on topics, writing style, and how to structure their articles for maximum engagement.
  2. Sharing Company Updates:
    • Encourage employees to share company news, updates, and successes on their profiles. This not only promotes the company but also showcases their involvement in key projects and initiatives.
    • Create a repository of shareable content, including blog posts, press releases, and infographics, that employees can easily access and share.
  3. Using Multimedia:
    • Encourage the use of videos, presentations, and images in posts to make them more engaging. Visual content tends to attract more attention and drive higher engagement.

Networking Strategies

  1. Building Meaningful Connections:
    • Train employees on how to identify and connect with key industry professionals, potential clients, and influential figures in their field. Personalize connection requests to increase acceptance rates.
    • Encourage them to engage with their connections through comments, likes, and sharing relevant content.
  2. Participating in Groups:
    • Guide employees to join and actively participate in LinkedIn groups relevant to their industry or interests. This can help them stay updated on industry trends, gain insights, and expand their professional network.
    • Encourage meaningful contributions to discussions and sharing of valuable insights in these groups.
  3. Attending LinkedIn Events:
    • Promote attendance at LinkedIn virtual events, webinars, and industry-specific conferences. These events offer excellent opportunities for learning, networking, and staying current with industry trends.

Utilizing Analytics

  1. Profile Analytics:
    • Teach employees how to use LinkedIn’s analytics to track their profile views, engagement, and growth over time. Understanding these metrics can help them refine their LinkedIn strategy.
    • Set goals for profile views, connection growth, and engagement, and review progress regularly.
  2. Content Performance:
    • Use LinkedIn’s analytics to measure the performance of posts and articles. Analyze which types of content perform best and adjust the content strategy accordingly.
    • Encourage experimentation with different content formats and topics to see what resonates most with their audience.


By equipping your employees with LinkedIn Premium tools and comprehensive training, you empower them to build stronger professional networks, enhance their personal brand, and contribute more effectively to the company’s success. Investing in their LinkedIn proficiency is a win-win for both the employees and the organization.

Stay tuned for our next article, where we will dive into advanced tips for creating engaging employee profiles.

Fox Tucker is Digital Marketing Director for an International Media Publishing Company where he leads 50+ colleagues as a LinkedIn marketing specialist that loves to help people and organizations thrive on LinkedIn.

Fox also provides C-level Executives and Organizations with LinkedIn Consultancy Services at $60 per hour. Book a Discovery Call.