How To Claim Your Personal LinkedIn Profile URL

When you join LinkedIn your account is assigned a rubbish profile URL. Something like

In 9 simple steps every Linkedin user can claim their FREE personal profile URL (vanity URL). Change the rather naff into the much more professional

These steps are also available as a video on LinkedIn.

Step 1 of 9: Tap your profile picture.

Step 2 of 9: Tap the ‘View Profile’ link.

Step 3 of 9: Tap the EDIT icon.

Step 4 of 9: Scroll to bottom and tap ‘Edit contact info’ link.

Step 5 of 9: Tap the EDIT icon.

Step 6 of 9: Tap the ‘Edit your custom URL’ icon.

Step 7 of 9: Tap the box to edit the URL.

Step 8 of 9: Choose your preferred URL.

Note: This must be unique, which means if your name is John Smith you are probably going to be disappointed. You could consider adding something like “usa” or “uk” at the end, or be bold and choose something cool.

Step 9 of 9: Tap the ‘Save’ button to finish.

That’s it. Job done. Follow Fox Tucker on LinkedIn. Subscribe to Fox’s bi-weekly LinkedIn Newsletter: LinkedIn Liftoff: Friday Hacks for more great tips and ideas.

Fox Tucker is Digital Marketing Director for an International Media Publishing Company where he leads 50+ colleagues as a LinkedIn marketing specialist that loves to help people and organizations thrive on LinkedIn.

Fox also provides C-level Executives and Organizations with LinkedIn Consultancy Services at $60 per hour. Book a Discovery Call.